Friday 21 August 2015

Pinterest Inspiration Board

I've been using pinterest to collect images of interest for my stories. Mostly as inspiration to get the old creative juices flowing.

This is the board for the main project I am working on at the moment.

It may not make much sense, because of course it's just bits and pieces, and I wouldn't want to give away too much plot! However, it should be interesting as far as some of the cool things that may (or may not) end up in the story.

I am planning to get together a bit of a summary or blurb for this project soon. When I do I shall post it here.

Saturday 15 August 2015


So I'm debating whether I'm going to do Nanowrimo this year.

For those who don't know Nanowrimo is an internet challenge where, for the entire month of November, you attempt to write a 50,000 word novel. This means you need to write about 1600 words per day if you want to complete the challenge.

It is both immensely frustrating and awesome. I have done it three times so far. My first attempt was garbage, but the next one was usable, and the last one I'm currently editing (and editing and re-editing) and may actually be publishable material. Here's hoping.

The debate I am having with myself is whether I should be working on editing the one I have done previously, or to have a go at writing a new story. Usually I don't bother with Nanowrimo if I don't have any ideas for what I want to write. The problem is that this year a new idea has snuck up on me, as the horrid little things have a tendency to do.

What I have learned from previous attempts is that though its quite doable to write out 50,000 words without much of a prepared plot (and it is immensely fun to do, because even you as the writer have no idea what's going to happen until you write it) not plotting seems to make it that much harder to edit. There's heaps of things you need or want to change or that you can simply write better. So I have it in my head that should I choose to do it again this year I would make sure I have at least some sort of plot worked out. How long does it take me to plot out a full novel? Honestly, I'm not sure as I haven't really done this yet! November is two and a half months away so I suppose I'd better figure it out.

However, if anyone is thinking of doing Nanowrimo, let me know. I would love to see what other people are doing. And of course having someone doing the same thing as you seriously helps with motivation!

Sunday 9 August 2015

New blog!

So I've decided to start a blog. Yay!

I've been writing for quite some time now, and I'm currently working on getting a novel written and published. Turns out this is a lot of work! One of the recommendations for successful publishing in this day and age is an online presence, and so to this end I'm starting this up.

At the moment I'm still not 100% sure what I'll be posting. Perhaps what I'm currently reading and anything that interests me that's related to writing. Once I've got this up and running such that I'm happy with it I'll also post a bit more detail on the stories I'm actually writing.

For the meantime, just an intro post. With any luck I'll have something interesting to post later. ;)